Practice Headtube Carbon Composite Layup 1

I am so impressed with the compaction performance of the elastic waistband material, that I am proceeding with a carbon layup over my practice head tube ABS core. I still have not answered the concerns of how to manage dissolving out so much ABS, nor am I certain if the acetone is damaging to the composite resin.
3D printed bicycle head tube and frame transition male core
 Carbon applied to headtube and first starting compression wrap:
3D printed core wrapped with carbon composite ready for compaction

Unwrapping from the vacuum bag I find little resin in the bleeder.
Composite bike frame head tube after vacuum bagging

Removing peel ply from layup post-cure

Compaction is excellent. No wrinkling or puckering of the fabric. Orientation of the fibers is very close to how I laid them down before the compression wrap. Surface finish is amenable to adhesion for next layup. I am happy with these results.
Resulting carbon composite head tube and frame transitions

The one problem I found was the wrapping did slightly slide down the conical bearing race leads. The sliding allows the fibers at the bearing races to fold over the wrapping tape. This is not acceptable. I will need to be more careful with how I wrap these areas. I should also remove the taper and also try a wider elastic band.
